
Positive COVID Case Alcott

November 13, 2020

Dear Families:

I write now to notify you of a positive student COVID case at Alcott.  Parents of the students in the classroom have been notified.  As per our protocol, the entire classroom will be tested, quarantined, and learn remotely during the quarantine period.

With three cases today, I offer reminders:

  • Socialization should be kept to a minimum.  Sleepovers and playdates expand the range of potential virus transmission.  Per the Public Health Nurse, anyone on a sleepover in a house where COVID emerges will need to be tested and quarantined as if they are a family member.
  • Sports are playing a role in transmission.  Please be sure you are following the updated guidance and all newly issued out of state travel restrictions.
  • Wear masks, physically distance, and avoid large groups

Finally, I have received alot of questions about whether we will go to remote learning on a district wide or school basis.  During many discussions with the local health officials, we feel that we can remain open if we do not have a cluster within a school that is a result of school transmission.  If school-based transmission appears present or there is a concernt that it could be, then we would look to a period of remote learning to stop that transmission.  I expect that would be a period of weeks, not months.  Of course, there is no predicting exactly how things will evolve but I remain hopeful.  Your cooperation during times outside of school play a big part in that.

We are so grateful for the ongoing communication and cooperation.  Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

