
Follow-Ups to Today’s Closure Announcement

April 21, 2020

Dear Families:

I write to follow-up on a few points after the Governor’s announcement this afternoon.  First, I mistakenly wrote that schools were closed for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.  Apparently, the last month feels like years!  I should have written that schools are closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.

Commissioner of Education Riley referenced four phases to the closure and reopening process.  We are at the beginning of phase three.  His memo outlining the structure of these phases is found here:  We expect the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to issue additional remote learning guidance as well as resources about the reentry process.

As previously mentioned, we planned a survey this week to gather input and feedback about the virtual learning process so far.  That should be forthcoming shortly.  We will also provide additional information before the break is over as to the additions and changes we already have in place.  This process must be iterative so your input is critical.

Finally, if you have individual questions, concerns or other feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the district level or building administrators.  We value those discussions and want to be available to you.

