
Superintendent's Message

Concord Middle School

COVID Updates 9.8.21

September 8, 2021

Dear Families:

It has been a great start to the year overall.  Thank you! I share a few brief COVID updates tonight:


Over the past two days, we had 3 COVID cases.  All of the individuals have not been in school since last week so there was no need to contact trace.

  • 1 vaccinated CMS adult
  • 2 CCHS students

Pool Testing

Due to ongoing delays by the testing vendor, pool testing will not begin until the week of September 20.  We are very disappointed but it is beyond our control.  A similar situation is occurring in districts across the state.

Test and Stay

As mentioned, we are continually reviewing our protocols.  DESE rolled out a “Test and Stay” protocol this summer that allows school-based close contacts to remain in school if tested daily with an antigen test.  DESE also recently made clear that ALL remote learning will not be allowed.  As a result, we are looking to implement “Test and Stay” as soon as next week.  We know this brings many questions, especially in the elementary schools.  Please watch for more details to come over the coming days.  This will not change the protocol for positive or symptomatic students.

Have a great night.




Very Sad News

September 5, 2021


Dear Families:


It is with great sadness that I share with you the death of a former CMS student, Kyla Brito like as a result of a sudden medical event.   We were notified late last night of her death on September 3 and spent the day with Riverside Trauma Center while connecting with the middle school staff and some of the families we know to be close to Kyla.

Kyla attended CMS for 6th, 7th and most of her 8th grade year through the METCO program, before transferring to another school district last spring. For the 2021-2022 school year, Kyla was about to enter her first year of high school.

Those who knew Kyla knew her as a young woman who was kind in all of her interactions, soft in the care she consistently gave her friends, and quick to smile and offer calm joy to those around her.  Her loss will be felt deeply by the students and staff who knew her.

It is very difficult for all of us to face the death of a young person. On Monday September 6, a team of counselors from Riverside Trauma Center will be available in-person at the Sanborn building and via Zoom from 2 pm to 4 pm in order to provide support for Kyla’s classmates and teachers, as well as anyone in the community who feels impacted by this tragedy.   The Zoom link is found here:

Your child may have questions and worries about this loss. Below are resources that may prove helpful as you discuss Kyla’s death. Please feel free to reach out to your student’s guidance counselor or a school leader if you are particularly concerned about the impact this might have on your student.

Talking with Your Children About Traumatic Events

Understanding the Grief of Children

Normal/Expected Reactions to Death

Because we have an extraordinary school community, many of you will ask what you can do to support the family during this difficult time. As soon as we have this information, we will share it with you.




Postive COVID Cases

September 5, 2021

Dear Families:

We wanted to update you on the number of positive COVID cases this weekend.  As needed, we conducted contract tracing and identified anyone who was exposed.  With so many staff and students vaccinated, new quarantines are very minimal.  Since I am often asked, the positive cases today do involve vaccinated individuals unless they are under the age of eligibility.  We are seeing patterns in breakthrough cases and in the younger students due to exposure outside of school.  Since Friday:

2 adult cases:  Thoreau and CMS

2 student cases:  CCHS and Thoreau

We are posting our weekly data dashboard again this year.  The dashboard is accurate as of yesterday morning.  Our total case count in the past 8 days is 11.

Thank you for your ongoing support.




Positive COVID Cases and COVID Reminders

September 2, 2021

Dear Families:

I am sharing information about two positive cases today and other reminders about pool testing and vaccination documentation.

Two Positive COVID Cases

Today we learned about a positive student at Willard and a positive student at Thoreau.  We completed contact tracing and appropriate quarantines.  As a reminder, we are now using the 7-day quarantine protocol which will reduce the time out of school.

Pooled Testing Consent

Please continue to enroll in pooled testing.  An important new piece of the process is that two swabs will be collected at the time of testing.  One will be held so that if a pool is positive it is automatically sent for individual processing.  Families will not have to do the second test on their own like last year or risk incurring cost.  We are still waiting for CIC Health to enroll the students at Ripley and apologize for the delay.

Electronic Consent Form:

Vaccination Documentation

Thank you!  Please continue to submit vaccine documents to these email addresses and include the child’s grade level for the 2021-2022 school year.



Thank you for a great start to the school year!




Asymptomatic Pooled COVID Testing Consent

August 31, 2021

Dear Families:

Thank you for your continued partnership as we navigate COVID in school. In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have been again working closely with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) to implement a free COVID-19 pooled testing program for students and staff at our school.

The purpose of this letter is to ask for your consent to test your child in school. As it did last year, pooled testing involves mixing 10 individuals’ test samples together into one “pool” and then testing the pooled sample for COVID-19. This approach increases the number of individuals that can be tested at one time and allows us to regularly test our school community for COVID-19.

The pooled tests will be performed weekly with a shallow nasal swab for all participating students and staff members. Students in grades 2 through 12 will self-swab.  Grade one students and younger will be swabbed by a nurse.  Schools will receive the pool results within 24-48 hours. If the result of the pool is negative, then all individuals are presumed to not have COVID-19. If the result of the pool is positive, then all individuals in the pool must be retested individually. Because pooled testing does not give individual results, you will only be individually notified if your child requires follow-up testing.  Additional information is noted below on the following documents:


Visual of Nasal Swab

We will begin weekly testing on September 7, 2021.  To give permission for your student to participate in the COVID-19 Pooled Testing Program at our school, please complete this form by Thursday, September 2, 2021.  Please complete the form for each child in your family.  Consent this year is directly between parents and CIC Health.  

Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to link the students who attend in the Ripley building.  We will send notice to those families as soon as that problem is resolved.

Electronic Consent Form

We urge you to participate in pooled testing as another mitigation strategy for our school community.  Testing is appropriate for all students including those who are vaccinated.  This will provide important information as to the prevalence of both initial and breakthrough cases in the school.  We are extremely grateful to our committed staff and families that continue to collaborate with us. It takes all of us working together to contain the spread of this virus.

The school nurses are able to answer your questions if you have them.




COVID Updates

August 29, 2021

Dear Families:

I write with a few COVID updates and resources as we return to school tomorrow!


We learned of two positive vaccinated adults this weekend at Thoreau and Ripley.  Both were at work last week and contact tracing completed.  We also learned of two positive Thoreau students.  We expected to have cases given the current state numbers and also expect our COVID protocols to be effective.

COVID Websites

We created a portion of the district webpage to host this year’s COVID information.  It is found here:

COVID Resources

The following resources will be posted to that website tomorrow:

PCR Testing Sites

Close Contact Flow Chart

Symptomatic Flow Chart

Asymptomatic Pooled Testing Update

Pool testing will begin the week of September 7.  Please watch for the consent form this week.  Everyone will need to reregister.  We believe pool testing is an important mitigation factor to know what is happening in the schools.  Please participate.

Symptom Screener

This is a reminder to complete the screener before school tomorrow morning and to monitor for symptoms, even mild ones.

I look forward to providing updates on other topics this year in addition to COVID!  It will be one thing we do, not everything we do!  Welcome back!




Cleaning at Peabody Grade 6 Building This Weekend

August 27, 2021

Dear Families:

This message is specifically for incoming grade 6 parents.  I am sharing this with everyone so the same information is available throughout the community.

This afternoon, possible mold was found on music stands and instrument cases in the Peabody “forum” which is used as a music classroom.  The high levels of humidity and moisture this summer had us already carefully monitoring the two unairconditioned middle school buildings.

ServiceMaster was on site within an hour.  The space will be thoroughly cleaned over the weekend.  The rest of the building will be surveyed to ensure there are no other issues.  Prior to adult or student use, air testing will be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the cleaning.  This likely will result in that space being offline for a portion of next week.  We will provide additional information as needed.

We are very excited to welcome students back on Monday.  I offer great thanks to our building service workers who are navigating this situation, the Thoreau fire impact, and COVID readiness across all of the schools.   Despite all of that, the buildings are shiny and bright awaiting students.

Have a wonderful weekend!




August 25, 2021

Dear Families:

I share a few COVID related items this afternoon.

Community Forum Recording

We recorded last night’s forum.  The recording is found here.  Thanks to the many who attended.

DESE Issues Mask Mandate Through October 1

Commission Riley issued a mask mandated for all schools through October 1 after gaining authority from the Board of Education yesterday.  The press release and related information are found here.

Phone App for Symptom Screener

As noted in the COVID protocols for this fall, the symptom screener will again be used daily in Aspen.  The screener can be accessed by cell phone.  I am resharing the video we posted last summer in hopes it makes this process as easy as possible.  The video is located here.

Teacher Vaccinations

Through very collaborative dialogue and agreement, all members of the Concord Teachers Association and Concord Carlisle Teachers Association will be vaccinated.

Student Vaccination Documentation

Thank you to everyone who submitted student vaccination documentation to date.  Please continue to submit vaccine documents to these email addresses and include the child’s grade level for the 2021-2022 school year:




Coming Soon

We will soon provide a list of local COVID PCR testing sites as well as a flowchart of quarantine protocols.

Thank you for the ongoing collaboration.  We look forward to the advent of a new school year!



COVID Return to School Information August 24 7 pm

Parent and Community Forum

COVID and Returning to School

Tuesday, August 24, 7:00 pm

Passcode: 142873



The administrators and local health officials will answer your questions about this year’s back to school protocols.


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