
SC Budget Subcommittee Meeting

Event Details

The Budget Subcommittee will be comprised of not fewer than three School Committee
members to include one from the Concord-Carlisle Regional School Committee. A simple
majority of Subcommittee members will constitute a quorum for voting purposes. The
Subcommittee will meet on an ongoing basis and be subjects to all the rules and regulations of
the School Committees including Open Meeting Law.
Members of the Budget Subcommittee will provide regular updates on the work of the
committee and request suggestions and input on the process from all members of the School
Work of the Subcommittee will be reviewed by the School Committees after the 2018 Town
Meetings to determine whether the Subcommittee should continue its work for the next budget
cycle. If at that time the decision is to continue a process for rotation of members through the
Subcommittee and whether it should be considered a standing committee going forward.

Budget Subcommittee Charge
1. To review and improve the budget process to meet the vision, goals, and strategic
objectives of the School Committee in a transparent and collaborative manner
2. To provide ongoing financial oversight, including review of financial reports and audits
3. Develop annual timeline for budget development, recommend public outreach
activities, and coordinate – in consultation with the School Committee Chair and the
Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent – logistics surrounding the School
Committee annual budget hearing
4. To review and make recommendations to the full School Committee on major budget

At the discretion of the Budget Subcommittee:
A. An informal public information meeting may be held to solicit input from the general
public (with approval of the School Committees)
B. A request may be made to the Concord and Carlisle Finance Committees to provide a
liaison to the Subcommittee;
C. Members of the public or town committees may be asked to provide input to the
ongoing work of the Subcommittee (including District personnel with approval of the
Motion: Move that the Concord and Concord-Carlisle School Committees create a Budget
Subcommittee for FY2018 to carry out the charge considered in the 6/27/17 memo entitled
“ Formation of a Budget Subcommittee of the Concord and Concord-Carlisle School
Committees” . And that the first committee include members of the School Committees to be
voted upon at the 6/27/17 Joint School Committees meeting following an affirmation of this

Ripley Conference Room 4
4:30-6:00 PM
The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
1. Call to Order
2. Discussion of benchmarking efforts between School Committee and Finance Committee
3. Public Comment
4. Adjourn